Hey Beautiful, I'm Michelle!

An entrepreneur, public speaker &
life leadership coach and mentor


I'm dedicated to empowering women to reach their full potential and achieve their dreams by Living & Speaking their Truth.

From a young age, I've always been passionate about sharing my voice; some would say I would share it too much, often in trouble at school for speaking too much. When I was young, I loved to perform, from singing to dancing and speaking. However, as the years passed, I started to listen to others that I was "too much," so I never pursued my dream, the dream to be on the stage or the screen, you see I listened to what others thought I should do, never really following what I wanted to do, doubting my brilliance because people could not handle my "too much." Hence, I decided to dim my "too much." 

For far too long, we have been conditioned to societal norms and beliefs that others project onto us, like "go to uni, get a stable job, get married, have children, buy a home," and yes, I did all of that, but what I didn't do is listen to what do I want the Truth within me. I had shut down things that would light me up to keep others happy, throw in some life traumas in the mix, and, well, your dreams; your Truth becomes so far down the list of priorities that you reach a point in your life, questioning is this what life is about.

It wasn't until my surprise pregnancy at 40 that I decided that there had to be another way of doing life, another way of being. And thats where it all began. The Journey to finding me, unlocking my Truth, coming back to that little girl who felt so at home on the stage, singing, dancing, speaking, it was time to Live & Speak my Truth for what I desired and what I believed in, not what others told me I should, it has been and continues to be a Journey one with many layers, twists, and turns, uncovering and rediscovering me, and it's because of this I can genuinely say I am living life on purpose and to my Truth. And it's why I do what I do; I am so passionate about helping other Women come back to their Truth, whatever that looks like for you.

Through years of education, and life experience, I've developed a deep understanding of what it takes to truly live a life of joy, purpose, and abundance and to stand up and speak your Truth. When we do it for ourselves, we also open the doorway for others to do it for themselves, and this is how we can impact change in our world and the world around us.


"Living & Speaking your Truth is not about achieving goals. It's about living your life the way you were meant to and having the courage to keep going while overcoming obstacles."



With a background in applied psychology, neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), and strategic coaching blended with a degree in commerce. I've worked with countless Women to help them connect to their Truth, identify their innate gifts, overcome their fears, release past beliefs, and heal traumas to help them step into owning, living, and speaking their Truth.

Whether you're a Woman in a Leadership role, an entrepreneur, or a Woman looking to take your message, Voice, and life to the next level, I'm here to guide you every step.

My journey has taught me that living and speaking your Truth is not just about hard work and determination but also about having the right internal belief system, mindset, and support system. I'm committed to providing the tools, resources, and mentorship to help you thrive.

So if you're ready to unleash your potential and own, live and speak your Truth to create a life and work you love, you've come to the right place. Let's embark on this journey together and make your dreams a reality.

As an entrepreneur, mother of three boys, and lover of all things related to the mind and human behavior, I am super passionate about helping women create a new way of being, whether that's about Speaking Up and leading more as your Authentic self or to start and grow a more purpose-led life and business. My work is based on a blend of modalities that I have studied over the years, including Applied Positive Psychology, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (Master Practitioner), Advanced EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), McDonald's Method of Manifestation, Reiki Level 2 of the Original 7 Level System, Wellbeing Coach Level 2, and an accredited Circle Leader of WomanSpeak Teachings and Practice.

I specialize in helping women find internal safety to show up unapologetically as the fullest expression of themselves and become more confident and impactful speakers and leaders in their life and work; my work supports women around how to make money with their message & mission while making an impact, to rid themselves of the masks that prevent them from stepping into their authentic selves. With over ten years of corporate leadership training, starting and building several small to medium-sized businesses across various industries, and graduating from the Entrepreneurial Leverage/Leadership Academy with WRB, I am well-equipped to help women achieve their entrepreneurial & life goals.

I have supported hundreds of women in building internal confidence and safety to speak up and share their Voice and their message, helped many women start and grow businesses across many industries (online and offline), and, most importantly, helped countless women to Live & Speak their Truth not only in their work but in relationships.

Success is not a destination but a journey. Anyone can achieve their dreams with hard work, dedication, and proper guidance.

xoxo, Michelle

I do it because I love it...


I Believe 

Living & Speaking Your Truth is Your Pathway to Freedom


I do it because It's my Truth & I love it, but more importantly, I believe you have the right to Live and Speak your Truth. Nothing brings me more joy than seeing my clients achieve their goals and reach new heights in their personal and professional lives.

Supporting Women to become their best selves, and I believe that every Woman has the potential to achieve greatness with the right mindset and tools. Whether you are a busy mum looking to start your own business, a young professional seeking to advance your career, or anyone in between, I am here to help you succeed.

My approach is grounded in empathy, authenticity, and a deep commitment to your growth and well-being. I work tirelessly to provide the resources, guidance and support you need to overcome challenges, navigate change, and achieve your goals.

I started my business because I wanted to do life differently, I know firsthand how hard it is to juggle the demands of motherhood and a career together with aging parents. But being a mum shouldn't limit your potential or dreams. I want to show other women that building a life how you want is possible. My mission is to provide the tools, resources, and support that women need to create their version of success on their terms. When we empower women to succeed, we're not just helping one person but building a better future for families, communities, and the world.

So why do I do it? Because living and speaking your Truth allows others to do the same and this is how we change the world .



"When you decide to Live & Speak Your Truth You Live Your Full Potential "

My Signature Method




Connecting Back to your Truth.
From the Inside Out.

My approach involves eliminating the fear of rejection and ridicule, helping clients connect to the core message of who they are and their work, bringing all aspects of themselves into everything they do, whether they want to take the next step in their career, speak up more in your career, relationships or business, Take on a stage or Pivot your entire Way of Being then my HERVOICE Signature Method is the Method that will help you Own, Live & Speak your Truth.

My Signature Method is based on my certifications and practices as a Master NLP (Neuro-Linguisitc Programming) Practitioner, Advanced EFT ( Emotional Freedom Technique), Strategic Coaching from the Institute of Applied Psychology, Corporate, and women leadership training, providing powerful tools for transformation and growth.
The top result my clients can expect from my coaching is the ability to be themselves confidently, speak their truth, and positively impact the world with their gifts. By empowering women to shed their masks and step into their fullest expression, I help you achieve success and fulfillment on your terms and to communicate in an empowered, clear, and confident way.


Speaking Topics


Book Michelle as Your Next Speaker



Below are the Key Core Speaking Topics for 2023 .

Rejection is the New Authenticity

Stop looking at Authenticity and Leadership as Buzz words and  start looking at Rejection , for through Rejection we can truly  unlock Raw Authenticity

Leading with SOUL

 Its no longer enough to Meditate , Connect to Heart & the Companies Vision when it comes to Leadership  , its time to bring in more SOUL Leadership

SOUL ( Safety - Openness - Unity - Legacy) 

Slow Down to Go Fast

 Entrepreneurship is Changing ... Slowing Down is the New Hustle . But in a world of Busy how do you learn to slow down and when you do does it mean to do nothing at all .

elow are the 3 Speaking Topics for 2023 

Coming Soon



I am in the process of writing my first book and its going to change the way you LEAD .

Watch this space  for Updates


 To Be Released in 2024


If you want to LEARN more about my work and experience the teachings, coaching and mentorship . Click on the Button Below to be taken to all my current offers.